We made some tasty items on Sunday and thought we'd share. Janeens new camera is pretty nice and she kindly agreed to take pictures of my food for my new website thats coming soon. More pictures of my menu items coming soon!!!
Its been a while since we last updated..sorry for the delay. Life is very busy...we continue to juggle work schedules, social events and time together. But life is good and Lucy continues to grow each day. She is of course getting very close to crawling. She gets quite frustrated at times that she can't moter foreward. The best she can manage is to roll around and flip over as many times as she can in order to get to where she's going. She now also has a play saucer that she likes to sit in and bounce up and down in. She loves it but still likes to have time on the floor. She has her way of letting you know when she wants to "change over". She's learning how to pose for pictures too. Everytime we point the camera in her face she just"smiles"..it's like she knows exactly what to do. The weather continues to be cold and wet which isn't helping Lucy's cold much. She's also teething and so we give her some babies Tylenol...which she loves. We are looking foreward to warmer weather so we can venture outside a little more. There's a ton of trails around our town and can't wait to take her on a few runs with us.
We are looking foreward to having more visits from friends and family this year. Tim is coming to see us in May and then Aunty Clare also at the end of May. We love having visitors and we're so glad that we have a house big enough for our friends and family to come and stay. We don't enjoy having a mortgage but what can you do?
Vick has a pretty nasty hip injury right now and so she may not be able to run in the Boston Marathon as she had planned. She hasn't been able to train and is a bit down about it. Hopefully she'll bounce back and will be able to run it next year. She starts playing Soccer again tonight..Which I'm glad about because she's a good player and loves it. She's got new football boots and is ready for action!
So life is still good and challenging and enjoyable. Again we are looking foreward to warmer sunnier weather so we can get outside and work on our garden....and hopefully go on a mole killing spree. I may lock Toula up foer 2 weeks and starve her and turn her into a crazed violent animal and let her loose on the moles!....I don't know if she has it in her though.
Spring is around the corner and we are so glad. The sun is out and its getting warmer. Although Lucy has a cold she's happy as ever and has started to blow raspberries....very wet raspberries. Vick and Is. We had a bit of a spring clean today and things are looking a little better. We have also realised how fat we've got over the winter and so I have commited myself to taking the next 10 weeks off from junk food and not bothering to exercise. I guess we've just been enjoying life with little Lucy and the comforts of our new home. We're going to Maui in May as well so I cannot go looking like Bubbles deVere. As you can see from the new pictures Lucy loves the dog and is enjoying solid foods now. She is such a fun little thing to have around. We had a great time with Mum and Dad last week. They were a joy to have at the house. Thanks Mum and Dad for traveling so far to see us. We can't wait till September!
Hey Skinners and Skinlets, since we're all so scattered and spread out and life is moving too fast, we've put together a family blogspot so we can keep up with all the Skinner news and happenings. Feel free to share your news tidbits,pictures, videos,music and whatever the heck you want...within reason of course!