We enter a new faze!....As Lucy grows her parents are becoming more and more exhausted! So this is what it's all about?
As depicted in these fine pictures little Lucianna has graduated from a bottle of warm milk every 3 hrs to bannanas, carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, ritz crackers and watermelon. Somedays she shouts and waves her spoon around (just like her Dad used to apparently) until she gets what she wants. Its a whole new feeding experience thats for sure. But when she's done that big smile comes back on her face and we somehow manage to forgive her litttle tantrums. Mind you Vick gets really evil when she's hungry so it's not all my genes.
New messes to clean up as well. Unfortunately Toula doesn't like baby food or crackers so she can't help.
She continues to be the light in our lives though and makes us laugh everyday. We just hope we can keep up with her!. The good news is that she loves her crib and stays in it all night!