Finally she arrives!...after 18 hrs of hard and at times painful labor and a long night Our little Luciana arrived at 6am on September 8th weighing in at 8lb 9oz and 21 1/2 inches long. She is beautiful. Her hobbies are eating, sleeping, sucking her tongue, looking around the room and peeing alot.
Vick is doing great. A little sore and bruised but overjoyed and completely obsessed with baby.
We are so happy and realise that life is alot different now. We are up for it though and cant wait for everyone to meet her. we are so excited that she has the unique gift of having loving family in 2 countries and that she'll get to experience another culture and get to learn how to speak and spell properly....ha ha!
Enjoy the pictures everyone!!
She lives in Ah-Mer-Ka, of course she going spell 'n talk right! Congrats, cant wait to see her.
ooohhhhhh!!!! baybays! look at that puddingy face! I cant wait to see her! awww! Well done Vick! xxx
Congratulations! Long time no talk, Vick! This is Susie White! I read Janeen's blog and she directed us here about your exciting day. I'm so happy for you! She is a cutie!
Vickie and Craig congrats. I've been wanting to call for days and see how you are doing. I thought you could use the sleep and space. I'll call soon. 18 hours Vick, you're my new hero. She's adorable.
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