Hi everyone, we've been a little lazy lately...sorry.
Well we've been up to all kinds of things. January hasn't been very cold so we've been able to get out in the yard and get some work done. I've been pretty busy at work and catering parties and weddings. Vick is enjoying playing soccer especially in her new position as a striker and although she's still having trouble with running she's able to get exercise and everyone knows that that is her drug of choice......Its not fun in our house when Vick doesn't get her fix!
since we got rid of cable t.v. we are getting so much more done not just around the house but in life as well. We seem to have so much more time for everything and I actully like reading now..I know..its a miracle!
Lucy continues to grow and change everyday. She's always doing something new and saying new words..well.. we think they're words!
In a couple of months she's going to start swimming lessons and music lessons. She seems to really enjoy music and dancing..and like any true Skinner, has fantastic rythem and coordination on the dancefloor!
She keeps us busy though. She's finally learning to sit still in church, use a quiet voice (sometimes) and has discovered the true entertainment value of a cardboard box.
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